HP High Court Stenographer, Peon, Judgement Writer & Other Posts Recruitment 2024

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Himachal Pradesh High Court invited online applications from desrious and eligible candidates for recruitment to the post of Judgement Writer/Personal Assistant, Stenographer, Junior Scale Stenographer, Assistant Librarian and Peon. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the notification & Apply Online.

Important Date :

Opening Date of Online Applications24/01/2024
Closing Date for online Applications26/02/2024

Detail of Posts :

Name of PostNo. of PostsPay Matrix
Judgment Writer/
Assistant (Classll) (Mode e)
Post(s)- 05
Pay Level 12
i.e., Rs.
1,36,000/- of
the Pay Matrix
Post(s)- 01
Pay Level 11,
i.e. Rs.38,500-
the Pay Matrix
Junior Scale
Post(s)- 02
02- UR
Pay LevelT i.e.
Rs. 28,900-
91.6001 of the
Pay Matrix
(Mode c)
Post(s)- 01
Pay Level 09
i.e., Rs.
1,12,800 of
the Pay Matrix
(Mode a)
Post(s)- 09
04- SC
Pay Level-l
i.e. Rs.
56,900/- of the
Pay Matrix

Educational Qualification :

Judgment Writer/Personal Assistant :

  1. Graduation with expeilence of Eight (8) years/either as Stenographer, Judgment Writer, Junior] Scale Stenographer or Steno Typist in any reputed organisation including any govemmentl
    department /agency.
  2. Candidates must be having speed of 110 W.P.M., in English Stenography and accunate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of 5 times to the time allotted for dictation and typing speed, in English, at 55 W.P.M., on computers, wherefor a separate test shall be held.
  3. Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in typing test shall be allowed. ln other words, the candidates commifting more than 10% mistakes
  4. in transcribing the dictated mafter and the typed matter, in typing test, shall be declared as unqualified.
  5. The time for dictation as well as typing test shall be ten (10) minutes each and proficiency test will be conducted as per Schedule lV of the R&P Rules,2015.
  6. PH reservation shall only be provided to the candidates suffering from loco-motor disability; (Note: Penson with normal upper limb can also be considered).

Stenographer :

  1. Graduation with 03 (Three) years’ experience as Steno-Typists or Judgment Writerc or
    Stenographer in any Govemment office or reputed organization.
  2. Candidates must be having speed of 100 W.P.M., in English Stenography and accurate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of 5 times to the time allotted for dictation and typing speed, in English, at 50 W.P.M., on computers, wherefor a sepanate test shall be held.
  3. Provided that only 10% of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in typing test shall be allowed. ln other words, the candidates committing more than 10% mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and the typed matter in typing test shall be declared as unqualified.
    Provided further that taking into consideration any administrative exigency, Hon’ble the Chief Justice, in his discretion, can grant exemption in the aforesaid speed limit either, in typing or in transcription or in both and also in the mistakes as refened to above.
  4. NOTE: The time for dictation as well as typing test shall be ten (10) minutes each and proficiency test will be conducted as per Schedule lV of the R&P Rules, 2015.

Junior Scale Stenographer :

  1. Graduation with 03 (Three) years’ experience as Steno-Typist or Junior Scale Stenographer or on
    higher post in any Government organization or any other reputed organization.
  2. Candidates must be having speed of 90 W.P.M., in English Stenography and accurate transcription of the matter dictated within a period of 5 times to the time allotted for dictation and typing speed, in English, at 45 W.P.M., on computers, wherefor a separate test shall be held.
  3. Provided that only 10o/o of the mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and typed matter in $ping test shall be allowed. ln other words, the candidates committing more than 10% mistakes in transcribing the dictated matter and the typed matter in typing test shall be declared as unqualified.
  4. Provided further that taking into consideration any administrative exigency, Hon’ble the Chief
    Justice, in his discretion, can grant exemption in the aforesaid speed limit either, in typing or in hanscription or in both and also in the mistakes as refened to above.

Assistant Librarian :

  1. Master Degree in Library Science or Bachelor Degree in Library Science with 3 years’
    experience as Library Attendant or above.
  2. 3 years’ experience only for the person possession only Bachelor Degree in library Science whereas there will be no requirement ol any experience in the case of candidate’s possession Maste/s Degree in Library Science.
  3. The test will be conducted as per Schedule lV, Part-l of R&P Rules, ibid.

Peon :

  1. Matriculation or equivalent
  2. As per Rule 6(19) of the R&P Rules, 2015 candidate will be called in the ratio of 1:3 for Document Verification (DV) on the basis of merit of minimum educational qualification, which
    shall be calculated as per %age of marks obtained in prescribed educational qualification to be calculated out of 85 marks (for example, a candidate getting 50% marks in prescribed educational qualification will be given 42.4 marks) and 15 marks will be awarded as per documents attached/ mentioned in Schedule lV, Part-T of R&P Rules, ibid.

Age Limit :

Age of the candidate should not be less than 18 years or more than 45 years as on the last date of application. Five years relaxation in upper age limit is admissible only to the bonafide SC, ST,OTBC of Hp and Persons with disabilities of HP, in case, there is a post reserved for these categories. However, age relaxation for HP Govt. employees is also admissible as pei instructions of the Govemfient of HP issuedirom time to time.

Examination Fee :

The examination fee fg.tlt candidates applying online against advertised vacancy is Rs. 3401 (plus GST as applicable) for General (UR) category and Rs. 190/- (plus-GST as applicable) for all other reserved categories other than General (UR) catEory, who deserve fee relaxationlexemption under the Rules and the same-shall have to be paid ONLY through ONLINE MODE. The fee, paid once, shall not be refunded to the candidate, in any case.

Apply Online :

Official NotificationClick here
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