HPPSC Shimla Lecturer (School-New) Political Science Screening Test Result & Document Verification Schedule

HPPSC Shimla Lecturer (School-New) Political Science Screening Test Result & Document Verification Schedule – The Himachal Pradesh Public Service Commission had advertised 102 posts (UNRESERVED =39, UNRESERVED(WARDS OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS) =1, SCHEDULED CASTE OF HP =21, SCHEDULED CASTE OF HP(WARDS OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS) =1, SCHEDULED CASTE OF HP(BPL) =3, SCHEDULED TRIBE OF HP =4, SCHEDULED TRIBE OF HP(BPL) =1, O B C OF HP =17, O B C OF HP(BPL) =3, ECONOMICALLY WEAKER SECTION OF H.P. =12 vide advertisement No. 11/10-2023 dated 17-10-2023 of Lecturer (School New) Political Science. The Screening Test and Subject Aptitude Test for the said post were conducted on 09-06-2024. On the basis of the performance of the candidates in the Subject Aptitude Test, 198 candidates have been short listed for document verification.

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It is for information of all concerned candidates that the process of Document Verification will be undertaken by the HPPSC as per schedule given below. The shortlisted candidates are advised to attend the Document Verification alongwith all original documents on the fixed date at HPPSC Nigam Vihar Shimla-171002 at 10:00 AM. No further opportunity will be provided to the candidates to attend the Document Verification after thescheduled date and they will be treated as ABSENT and their candidature will be rejected. Norequest for any change in date allotted to candidates for Document Verification will be entertained. The Roll Number & date wise details of 198 shortlisted candidates for document verification are as under:

Dated 20-01-2025

90600122 90600288 90600437 90600451 90600504 90600723
90600824 90600839 90600958 90601007 90601019 90601030
90601079 90601085 90601110 90601229 90601241 90601325
90601448 90601504 90601582 90601843 90601891 90602017
90602520 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 21-01-2025

90602615 90602775 90602992 90603007 90603148 90603197
90603246 90603306 90603314 90603420 90603478 90603479
90603486 90603540 90603651 90603657 90603734 90603772
90603779 90603988 90604090 90604164 90604208 90604217
90604255 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 22-01-2025

90604341 90604405 90604486 90604686 90604714 90604748
90604771 90604893 90604923 90604974 90604986 90604995
90605349 90605458 90605492 90605533 90605775 90605788
90605899 90605938 90605971 90606111 90606136 90606317
90606363 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 23-01-2025

90600152 90600512 90600636 90600771 90600945 90601036
90601204 90601249 90601514 90601577 90601674 90602139
90602260 90602327 90602613 90602625 90602781 90602991
90603222 90603291 90603310 90603429 90603556 90603557
90603655 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 24-01-2025

90603719 90603740 90603790 90603884 90603957 90604892
90604946 90605399 90605468 90605588 90605906 90606210
90606322 90606384 90600278 90601406 90601458 90602253
90602337 90602894 90603961 90605851 90606174 90606514
90600140 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 27-01-2025

90600250 90600661 90600681 90600878 90601307 90601496
90601635 90601850 90601909 90602154 90602254 90602608
90602643 90602892 90603721 90603785 90603868 90603889
90604394 90604822 90604919 90605176 90605201 90605347
90605505 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 28-01-2025

90605611 90605674 90605832 90605972 90606143 90606416
90600046 90601246 90602064 90600081 90600573 90600626
90604085 90604539 90600576 90601475 90602713 90604215
90600993 90601359 90602267 90603298 90604386 90605187
90605289 Total = 25 candidates

Dated 29-01-2025

90600139 90600181 90600262 90600359 90600760 90600995
90601517 90602123 90602158 90602194 90602617 90602777
90603116 90603119 90603815 90604823 90604841 90604876
90604952 90605272 90605435 90605509 90606141
Total = 23 candidates

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The candidates are directed to bring following documents in original on the day of
document verification:

  1. Educational qualification:-
    i) Matriculation Certificate.
    ii) 10 +2 Certificate.
    iii) Master Degree in Political Science / Master Degree in Public Administration from a recognized University with minimum of 50% Marks in aggregate AND Bachelor of Education (B.ED) as professional qualification from recognized University /. Institution with minimum 50% marks or Two years integrated M.Sc. Ed. Course from Recognized University.
  2. Himachali Bonafide Certificate.
  1. Valid Category Certificate of SC, ST, OBC, WFF, BPL and EWS category along with Non SC/ST/OBC certificate wherever applicable. All these certificates should be valid on the closing date of Online Recruitment Application as well as on the day of document verification and should have been issued by the competent authority as notified by the Govt. from time to time.

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