HPSSC Hamirpur Fireman Post Code 916 Final Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 43 posts {Gen (UR)-17, Gen (EWS)-04, Gen (WFF)-01, OBC (UR)-08, OBC (BPL)-01, SC (UR)-09, SC (BPL)-01, ST (UR)-01 & ST (BPL)-01} of Fireman (on contract basis) Post Code: 916 , in the department of the ADG-cum-Director Fire Services, HP, Shimla-2 and advertised vide advertisement No. 37-1/2021 dated 08.04.2021.
In response to this advertisement, 4382 applications were received out of which 2914 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test. The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 14.11.2021 in which 1418 candidates appeared and 1496 candidates remained absent.
Based on the Written Objective Type Screening Test, 772 candidates were shortlisted and called for Efficiency & Physical Standard Test. The Efficiency & Physical Standard Test was conducted w.e.f. 17th to 21st May, 2022.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test, 86 candidates were calledfor evaluation process on government notified parameters which was conducted on 07.09.2022. The Commission has compiled the final result of 43 posts of Fireman (on contract basis) Post Code: 916. The candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of the candidate Total Marks
1 916000097 SURENDER PAL 44.33
2 916000132 OM PARKASH 35.52
3 916000212 VIPAN KUMAR 66.61
4 916000231 SUNAT RAM 37.23
5 916000283 VIJAY SINGH 77.43
6 916000302 ANUJ SHARMA 77.28
7 916000308 MANJEET SINGH 46.10
8 916000324 SANDEEP KUMAR 48.35
9 916000451 RAVI KUMAR 74.72
10 916000463 SOM DUTT 37.15
11 916000472 SUSHIL KUMAR 37.50
12 916000625 JARNAIL SINGH 37.02
13 916000746 VIJAY KUMAR 43.08
14 916000802 MANOHAR SINGH 43.01
15 916000850 SUNNY THAKUR 42.86
16 916000873 GULSHAN KUMAR 41.77
17 916000916 SATISH KUMAR 46.77
18 916000929 SATISH KUMAR 42.28
19 916001023 RINKAL KUMAR 32.83
20 916001134 AJIT SINGH 33.37
21 916001174 ANSHUL KUMAR 40.26
22 916001214 ANKUSH KUMAR 37.65
23 916001587 YOGINDER KUMAR 40.02
24 916001895 VIPIN SINGH 44.20
25 916002191 CHANDER LAL 44.60
26 916002202 KAMAL KISHOR 35.11
27 916002209 MANOJ KUMAR 44.55
28 916002227 RAMESH CHAND 43.23
29 916002256 VIKAS SHARMA 44.82
30 916002316 BHAG SINGH 38.30
31 916002360 GOVIND RAM 43.50
32 916002509 NITIN 40.08
33 916002586 ANKUSH DOGRA 38.25
34 916002643 SAKIR ALI 37.84
35 916002702 VIKRAM SINGH 45.29
36 916002703 RAJAN SHARMA 46.18
37 916002779 BABAR ALI 35.56
38 916002886 RAJESH KUMAR 40.78
39 916002928 MANOHAR LAL 50.04
40 916002934 VINOD KUMAR SHARMA 47.23
(Total candidates= 40)
03 posts {Gen (WFF)-01, ST(UR)=01 & ST(BPL)=01 } remained vacant due to non availability of candidates.
Download Official Notification
The marks secured by the successful candidates and departments allotted to them have also been shown against their roll numbers. The result is also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in). The result has been declared as per the instruction contained in ECI letter No. 437/6/2009-CC&BE dated 5th March, 2009 regarding enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Hamirpur Fireman Post Code 916 Final Result
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