HPSSC Hamirpur Ledger Keeper Post Code 890 Final Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the final result for the recruitment of 31 posts {Gen (UR)-13, Gen (EWS)-03, OBC(UR)-05, OBC(BPL)-01, SC(UR)- 07, SC(BPL)-01 & ST(UR)-01} of Ledger Keeper (on contract basis) Post Code: 890, in response to requisitions received from the Managing Director, Himachal Road Transport Corporation, Shimla-3 and advertised vide advertisement No. 36-4/2020 dated 19.11.2020.
In response to this advertisement, 4672 applications were received out of which 3462 applications were provisionally admitted for written objective type screening test.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 18.04.2021 in which 1120 candidates appeared and 2342 candidates remained absent.
Based on the merit of Written Objective Screening Test, 100 candidates were called for evaluation process on government notified parameters which was conducted on. 16.09.2021. The Commission has compiled the final result of 31 posts of Ledger Keeper (on contract basis) Post Code: 890. The candidates bearing the following Roll Numbers have been declared successful:-
Sr. No. Roll No. Name of the candidate Total
1 890000157 MOHINDER SINGH 53.64
2 890000194 NIDHI SHARMA 71.08
3 890000781 RAHUL KUMAR 58.75
4 890001069 RAKESH KUMAR 65.49
5 890001094 SANJEEV KUMAR 60.30
6 890001148 GURMEET SINGH 63.08
7 890001223 MUKESH KUMAR 64.74
8 890001274 ASHISH KUMAR 55.22
9 890001310 ASHISH KUMAR 60.75
10 890001395 SATISH KUMAR 63.40
11 890001435 MANISH KUMAR 66.95
12 890001533 ROHIT KUMAR 61.94
13 890001590 VISHAL KOUNDAL 59.89
14 890001873 KAVITA 62.31
15 890002061 PRIYA THAKUR 62.53
16 890002151 SAHIL SHARMA 63.74
17 890002174 MANISHA SAHARAI 62.93
18 890002338 MANISH ATAL 55.68
19 890002441 AMIT KUMAR 62.70
20 890002461 MEHAR CHAND 63.90
21 890002489 HIMANSHU JOSHI 54.61
22 890002512 KUMARI HEENA 57.95
23 890002592 NEHA CHAUHAN 62.75
24 890002614 ANKIT KUMAR 63.74
25 890002634 SUNIL KUMAR 64.96
26 890002645 MADHVI 62.89
27 890002668 AKSHAY MOKHTA 52.82
28 890002741 MUMTAZ AHMED 61.27
29 890002742 GAURAV KUMAR 55.24
30 890003098 NITIN THAKUR 67.32
31 890003176 VINOD KUMAR 62.63
(Total candidates= 31)
The marks secured by the candidates have also been shown against their roll numbers. The result is also available on the web page of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent/technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Hamirpur Ledger Keeper Post Code 890 Final Result
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