HPSSC Staff Nurse Post Code 893 Screening Test Result
Himachal Pradesh Staff Selection Commission today declared the result of Written Objective Type Screening Test for the recruitment of 90 posts {Gen (WXSM)-54, OBC(WXSM)-12, SC(WXSM)-17 & ST(WXSM)-07} of Staff Nurse (on contract basis) Post Code: 893 held on 05.08.2021 as per the award list and ratio approved (1:3/1:4) by the Hon’ble Commission. The requisition to fill up these posts was received from the Director, Health & Family Welfare Department HP Shimla-9 and advertised vide advertisement No. 37-1/2021 dated 08.04.2021 and addendum dated 19.08.2021.
In response to this advertisement, 10590 applications were received out of which 1129 applications were provisionally admitted.
The Written Objective Type Screening Test was held on 05.08.2021 in which 846 candidates appeared and 283 candidates remained absent. Out of total 846 candidates appeared, the following 244 candidates have been provisionally shortlisted for further selection process.
893000002 893000008 893000013 893000014 893000016 893000019
893000026 893000028 893000036 893000043 893000052 893000058
893000064 893000082 893000087 893000092 893000097 893000110
893000119 893000130 893000136 893000140 893000141 893000150
893000151 893000156 893000162 893000163 893000164 893000170
893000171 893000172 893000173 893000179 893000184 893000189
893000192 893000201 893000204 893000213 893000216 893000232
893000248 893000250 893000261 893000266 893000267 893000277
893000283 893000285 893000292 893000293 893000294 893000303
893000306 893000308 893000312 893000313 893000319 893000323
893000326 893000333 893000334 893000335 893000340 893000343
893000345 893000346 893000348 893000353 893000366 893000370
893000380 893000381 893000385 893000386 893000401 893000408
893000414 893000418 893000430 893000434 893000439 893000440
893000441 893000447 893000448 893000452 893000453 893000463
893000476 893000479 893000486 893000489 893000490 893000492
893000493 893000497 893000499 893000500 893000502 893000513
893000516 893000519 893000524 893000526 893000531 893000535
893000538 893000539 893000543 893000547 893000550 893000557
893000561 893000562 893000565 893000567 893000569 893000572
893000575 893000582 893000584 893000592 893000594 893000600
893000615 893000622 893000629 893000631 893000632 893000633
893000638 893000642 893000643 893000644 893000648 893000655
893000656 893000663 893000664 893000667 893000669 893000674
893000679 893000683 893000686 893000689 893000691 893000695
893000701 893000702 893000707 893000708 893000711 893000713
893000719 893000723 893000734 893000738 893000740 893000745
893000746 893000781 893000782 893000790 893000793 893000798
893000799 893000807 893000811 893000812 893000814 893000820
893000824 893000826 893000827 893000828 893000830 893000832
893000846 893000853 893000872 893000879 893000881 893000885
893000886 893000887 893000888 893000892 893000893 893000895
893000898 893000902 893000903 893000904 893000908 893000909
893000916 893000920 893000921 893000924 893000939 893000945
893000951 893000952 893000966 893000968 893000972 893000984
893000986 893000988 893000992 893000995 893001002 893001003
893001004 893001006 893001009 893001010 893001011 893001012
893001020 893001023 893001029 893001033 893001036 893001037
893001039 893001040 893001051 893001056 893001062 893001068
893001077 893001087 893001095 893001099 893001111 893001114
893001120 893001122 893001123 893001124
15 marks of evaluation of the shortlisted candidates will be conducted w.e.f. 29th to 31st December, 2021 at 9:30 AM in the premises of the HP Staff Selection Commission, Hamirpur. They are directed to bring all original Essential Qualification related documents, 15 marks of evaluation related documents, set of self attested copies of all documents, one ID proof and copy of downloaded application Form. In case a candidate does not appear for evaluation process on the day fixed for evaluation he/she will not be considered for further selection process and no further opportunity will be given thereafter.
The Roll number wise detail is given above and also available on the official website of the HPSSC, Hamirpur. (http://www.hpsssb.hp.gov.in).
While every care has been taken in preparing the result, possibility of inadvertent / technical error cannot be ruled out. The Commission reserves the right to rectify the same later on.
HPSSC Staff Nurse Post Code 893 Screening Test Result
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