Syllabus For The Post of Manager (IT) -HPARDB Shimla

Syllabus For The Post of Manager (IT) -HPARDB Shimla

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The selection of the candidates against the post of Manager (IT) and Assistant Manager would be based on their overall performance in written test having weight age of 85% and viva equivalent to 15% of the total marks of written test. The candidates will be short listed for viva in the ratio of 1:3 in the order of merit. Due weight age shall be given to experience. Higher Education qualification in the relevant field.

Paper pattern for written Test would consist of objective type questions as follows:-

Name of the TestNo. of Questions/MarksTotal Time
IT Officer Reasoning Paper5035 Min
IT Officer English Language Paper2520 Min
IT Officer Quantitative Aptitude Paper5035 Min
IT Officer Professional Knowledge Paper7560 Min
Total200150 Min

Note :

  1. There shall be negative marking for each wrong question i.e. 1/4 of a mark will be deducted from the total marks for each wrong answer.
  2. There will be an objective type online test having multiple choice questions with 5 alternative of each question.
  3. Minimum qualifying marks for reserved category shall be 35% and 40% for unreserved category to the total marks of written test.
  4. The candidate is required to obtain the minimum pass marks in each paper.

Syllabus For The Post of Manager (IT) -HPARDB Shimla

Also Read : Previous Year Question Paper

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